Johna Miltona droga ku rewolucyjnej dyktaturze. Część 1 / John Milton’s Road to the Revolutionary Dictatorship. Part 1
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
John Milton, an English poet best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost, was also a great political polemist of the times of religious flux and political upheaval. He used his pen in defense of the republican principles represented by the Commonwealth of England. Milton advocated the right of the people to hold their rulers to account, and thus implicitly sanctioned the regicide. According to Skinner Milton offers a purely neo-Roman view of freedom and free states. He argues that, unless the people are able to govern themselves, they will live as slaves, under the will of someone else. So, for Milton monarchy is an enslaving form of government. In this Article the Author argues, that Milton was not a partisan of mixed government as other republicans such as Harrington, Sidney and Nedham, but he prised and accepted revolutionary military dictatorship for the defense of revolution.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Tulejski
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