Lawfulness of the EU Economic Governance According to National and Supranational Case Law
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
This contribution focuses on the legal narrative of the EU/EMU crisis management providing an outlook on the new EU economic governance framework from the perspective of national and supranational (Court of Justice of the EU, CJEU) case law. The author first briefly outlines the major developments in the EU economic and fiscal governance vis-à-vis the financial and sovereign debt crises, followed by the analysis of legal questions central to ESM emergency fund (Pringle Case) and OMT bond-buying programme (Gauweiler). The author contends that the discussed economic and monetary policy measures, although subjected to heated political, economic and most notably legal polemics, have not only gone relatively smoothly through the legality review at the supranational level, but also – as was to be expected – have come out intact and lawful in the national case law. The discussed new mode of governance, to the ipso iure institutionalisation of which the European courts contribute, will constitute a complex legacy of the financial and euro-crises, the historic and democratic legitimacy of which remains, so far, an open question.
Authors and Affiliations
Izabela Jędrzejowska-Schiffauer
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