Józefa Czekierskiego (1777–1827) otorynolaryngologiczne związki
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 2
The professional and scientific activities of Józef Czekierski (1777–1827), an eminent Varsovian surgeon on the turn of the 18th century are described widely. He was the head of surgical and obstetricial departments in Warsaw. He was also the head of the first Surgical Clinic in Warsaw. In the four-part textbook “Surgery” published in 1817–1818 Czekierski presented surgical treatment of such otorhinolaryngoogical diseases as wounds of ear and tongue, traumas of nase, diseases of parotis, the foreign bodies at respiratory tract and at the upper part of alimentary canal with full particulars. He described such rhinolaryngological operations as plastic reconstruction of the nase, tracheotomy, conicotomy, oesophagotomy in some more detail.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Kierzek
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