Jurisprudența Curții Europene a Drepturilor Omului privind dreptul la viață privată și de familie
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 197
The following article treats issues that are related to private and family life. Contemporary society is in a constant development, and this leads to expand human relationships. The right to respect the private life is increasingly affected by scientific and technical progress that comes to give society another shape. In that sense, obeying the right for privacy and family life in these moments is more affected, and its protection sets continue and detailed regulation that would be directly proportional to what drives society towards development. In the following, we will identify all the essential elements which will be deducted from the provisions of art.8 of the European Conventions on Human Rights and, for better applicability of this article, we will highlight the most eloquent decisions of European court that come to fortify regulation and national jurisprudence in this area.
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