Mircea I. Manolescu – iniţiatorul Metodologiei juridice în România

Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue 206


Bachelor in Law, PhD in sociology, renowned scholar and lawyer M. Manolescu before his removal from the university chair by the Communist regime (1949) promoted by publications and conferences recognition of the Juridical methodology as science and discipline necessary for legal scholars and jurists practitioners. Developed relevant legal landmarks: the research object of the Juridical methodology, legal truth, the legal values towards achieving the aims of the law.

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How To Cite

(2017). Mircea I. Manolescu – iniţiatorul Metodologiei juridice în România. Revista Națională de Drept, 12(206), 3-8. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-556547