Omorul săvârşit asupra a două sau mai multor persoane. abordări teoretice şi drept comparat

Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 207


Murder on two or more people is considered an exceptionally serious crime. The plurality of victims always denotes greater aggression and a more pronounced antisocial attitude of the perpetrator. The high social danger of the offense is derived from the number of victims, but also from the fear the perpetrator inspires. Concerned about the degree of antisociability and increased criminal perversity of the perpetrator, the persistence and obvious perseverance that he manifests on the path of criminal behavior, the legislator rightly attributed to the circumstance recorded in letter g) paragraph (2) art. 145 CP RM effects of aggravation of criminal liability.

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How To Cite

(2018). Omorul săvârşit asupra a două sau mai multor persoane. abordări teoretice şi drept comparat. Revista Națională de Drept, 1(207), 58-62.