Justification of possible ways of the market economy development

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue


The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of postindustrial countries in achieving the high production efficiency, justify the main tasks and conditions for a further market economy development in the nearest future Research methodology. Un the research process have been used such economic methods: abstract and logical, statistical – for achievement of high economic results on world markets, monographic – for revealing increasing factors of efficiency in production and services spheres. Research results. The influence of economic mechanisms on increasing the efficiency of production and services in the market economy has been considered. There has been concluded that the efficiency of production increases with the usage of advances in scientific and technological progress. The experience of Germany and South Korea, which are among the most effective states in the world, in the achievement of the post-industrial stage of development, has been generalized. There has been recommended the usage of the experience of Germany in appliance part of the profits to increase labor remuneration. Elements of scientific novelty. Scientific novelty of the article lies in consideration of possibility of combining market-based economic mechanisms with elements of directive planning to strengthen a role of the state in increasing the efficiency of production in a short time and stabilizing the achieved results. Practical significance. Development of the market economy with the partial use of elements of directive planning will improve material and social conditions of workers' lives, improve partnerships between the owners of production means and employees, promote the economic relations improvement in society, achieve high economic results in the world countries in the future. Refs.: 14.

Authors and Affiliations

Yevhenii Firsov


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How To Cite

Yevhenii Firsov (2018). Justification of possible ways of the market economy development. Економіка АПК, 3(), 91-96. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-598289