Trend analysis of development of the dairy cattle breeding in the dairy product chain
Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue
The purpose of the article is to investigate the dynamic processes of changes in dairy cattle breeding, establish industry trends, determine the proportion of milk in gross agricultural production in general and in livestock in particular and analyze productivity and volumes of dairy production in agriculture. Research methodology. In the research process have been used such scientific methods: the table method of the development dynamics of the dairy industry; the analysis of the livestock, the productivity of cows and the volumes of dairy production; the grouping of agricultural enterprises by the presence of cows; the graphical method of cumulative distribution of livestock; the synthesis of development trends in the raw material base of dairy product subcomplex. Research results. The decrease in the share of milk in the structure of gross agricultural output in general and livestock production in particular have been determined. The main factor in reducing the volume of milk production was the decline in the number of cows. The pace of reduction of cows' livestock in the households is ahead of the increase in cow productivity, and in agricultural enterprises, the growth rate of productivity of cows significantly outstrips the decline rate in livestock. The development trends of dairy cattle breeding in farms of these forms of ownership have been established. The distribution of private households and agricultural enterprises has been carried out by the cows’ presence in them. Elements of scientific novelty. The reorientation of dairy cattle breeding from small-scale production to large-scale industrial production has been substantiated. The number of agricultural enterprises with the same size of livestock has been found. The correlation between the increasing of the number of farms of corporate type with the increasing of concentration of cows' livestock in them has been revealed. Practical significance. The development tendencies of dairy cattle breeding, which serve as a benchmark for the adoption of managerial decisions on state regulation and budget support of the industry, in perspective will contribute to solve the problems of its functioning at the link of the dairy product chain. Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 8.
Authors and Affiliations
Оleksandr Petrychenko
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