Juwaini's Cevher-Araz Theory, as an Argument in Revealing the Omnipotent God Concept
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 19, Issue 1
The atomic theory was put forward in the process of finding a solution to the problem of unity-multitude in the world, but the theory was laid out in such a way that it did not require an interventionist in the realm in Ancient Greece and its principles were laid accordingly. Theologians re-formulated this theory as an argument in revealing the understanding of God, which was interrelated with each particle in the universe as a requirement of religious thought. The theologians, who claim that the world can only be explained by an understanding of God, can be defended in a perfect way by the atomic theory. Cüveynî, who has a considerable contribution to the systematization of Asharizm, claims that neither the ancient thinkers nor the Mu'taziye's atomic thought can truly reveal the notion of omnipotent God.
Authors and Affiliations
Hüseyin Kahraman
Fıkhî Açıdan Günümüz Para Mübadelesi İşlemleri, Abdullah Durmuş
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