Карнавальний топос маски у романах Вiтольда Гомбровича Фердидурке та Гео Шкурупiя Дверi в день
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 0
Carnival topos masc in the novels of Witold Gombrowich Ferdydurke and Geo Shkurupia Doors in the day The article is devoted to the study of the features of the mask topos in the novels of Witold Gombrowich Ferdydurke and Geo Shkurupia Doors in the day. On the basis of the basic concepts of carnivalization of Mikhail Bakhtin, features of the functioning of the mask image are considered, which is one of the means of expressing new forms of communication with the recipient and the metaphorical language. The mask in the experimental / avant-garde works determines the individual characters of the characters, contributes to the irony of the grotesque. The mask-stereotype in the novel by Witold Gombrowich is the bearer of a certain set of values of the hero, Geo Shkurupii through the mask of the death of the hero demonstrates the existential choice of the hero.
Authors and Affiliations
Sitlana Zhurba
Юбилейная Международная научная конференция "XXX Болдинские чтения"
Okazjonalizmy Wasilija Szukszyna w przekładzie na język polski
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