Karol Hiller: від бойчукізму до європейського авангарду

Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue


The paper deals with the work of Polish avant-garde artist Karol Hiller. However brief his apprenticeship in the workshop of Mychajlo Boyczuk might have been, in all his experimental work he remained subconsciously loyal to the Boyczukist tradition and rightly called Boyczuk his master.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Krawczenko


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How To Cite

Jarosław Krawczenko (2015). Karol Hiller: від бойчукізму до європейського авангарду. Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 3(), 317-323. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-246426