In 1976 Stanisław Hebanowski, a theater director, has staged on the scene of the Wybrzeże Theatre “The Misunderstanding” – a play written in 1943 in occupied France by Albert Camus. This spectacle was significant for Heb...
Freedom is a multidimensional concept. It can be understood in many ways, which are often dependent on the ideological mainstream of thought of the era. On the one hand, freedom can be commonly understood as doing what o...
The author conducted interviews with regional artists from Sułoszowa (Lesser Poland) and surrounding areas, and also examined the archives collected by them, to in this short essay invite readers to read the story of lit...
Could be the „live” architecture, which in principle has to serve the environment and human, classified as an art? Can we consider it both ways: as a sculpture and as a concept of building? This paper answers not only th...
EP ID EP213655
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How To Cite
Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska (2015). Kategoria felicitas w świetle twórczości polskich kompozytorek. Amor Fati, 1(1),
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Czy rzeczywistość posiada strukturę? Część I: Absolut i momenty istnienia
Komunikowanie absurdu życia i śmierci. O spektaklu „Nieporozumienie” na podstawie sztuki Alberta Camusa w reżyserii Stanisława Hebanowskiego
In 1976 Stanisław Hebanowski, a theater director, has staged on the scene of the Wybrzeże Theatre “The Misunderstanding” – a play written in 1943 in occupied France by Albert Camus. This spectacle was significant for Heb...
Szczęśliwość człowieka mierzona stanem jego wolności. Człowiek w społeczeństwie kapitalistycznym
Freedom is a multidimensional concept. It can be understood in many ways, which are often dependent on the ideological mainstream of thought of the era. On the one hand, freedom can be commonly understood as doing what o...
O samych sobie. Grupy folklorystyczne ze Sułoszowej i okolic
The author conducted interviews with regional artists from Sułoszowa (Lesser Poland) and surrounding areas, and also examined the archives collected by them, to in this short essay invite readers to read the story of lit...
„Spatium Gelatum” Zbigniewa Oksiuty jako forma estetyzacji przestrzeni
Could be the „live” architecture, which in principle has to serve the environment and human, classified as an art? Can we consider it both ways: as a sculpture and as a concept of building? This paper answers not only th...