Keratosis Obturans: Review Article

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 5


Abstract: Keratosis obturans was considered as a variation of external ear canal cholesteatoma for more than century. Over the last 30 years, it has been considered separate entity from external ear canal cholesteatoma. Although they are different disorders, they have shared symptoms and signs. During the articles review, I explore the diagnostic dilemma as well as the management. I found at the end that they are different diseases while the presence of bone expansion rather than osteonecrosis help in the diagnosis of keratosis obturans. In addition, immunohistochemical investigation on keratosis obturans will support the diagnosis.

Authors and Affiliations

Mohammad Mosa Mokhatrish


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How To Cite

Mohammad Mosa Mokhatrish (2018). Keratosis Obturans: Review Article. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 6(5), 2215-2216.