Spirulina-The Nature’s Wonder: A Review
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 4
Abstract: Spirulina is a fresh water microalgae which has been used as a food supplement since many years. This alga contains a diverse concentration of nutrients and has emerged as a wonder drug because of its varied uses. It boosts the immunity and increases resistance to various infections. The antioxidant properties of spirulina are well known and anticancer action has also been reported. Spirulina plays an important role in metabolic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, anemia & others. Thus this multi beneficiary action of spirulina makes it an important natural product for the improvement of health of humans. Keywords: Spirulina, Health, Immunity, Antioxidant, Anticancer
Authors and Affiliations
Arpita Mohan, Neeta Misra, Deepak Srivastav, Shiva Kumar
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