Kerja Sama Orang Tua Siswa dan PAUD Bukit Zaitun Walian Dua
Journal Title: Rhapsodi Jurnal Studi Multidisiplin - Year 2023, Vol 1, Issue 2
God gives every parent a child to raise, guide, and train. By sending their children to PAUD facilities, parents ensure their children have educational opportunities. The aim of sending students to PAUD is for them to gain experience and encourage further growth. Even though parents entrust their children's education to educational institutions, the responsibility remains, that is, a consistent relationship between parents and PAUD facilities is very necessary, so that the child's growth and development can be monitored, and the child's growth and development process is carried out both from school and home, or from home. and school. It is very important for all parties involved to work together to monitor the child's growth and development. Research Objectives: Efforts and types of collaboration between parents and PAUD educational institutions. This research uses a qualitative approach that occurs naturally. The methods used in collecting data were interviews and documents. The findings show: PAUD institutions' efforts to collaborate with parents, especially in creating a friendly school environment for students; The types of collaboration held are parenting, communication, volunteering, parent involvement in learning at home, decision making, and involving the community in collaboration.
Authors and Affiliations
Cornelia Timpal,Julita Inggrinne Nelwan,
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