Sakitku Tak Terlihat: Pendampingan Pastoral Terhadap Remaja Yang Mengalami Kekerasan Mental Di Jemaat GMIM Kasih Karunia Pancuran 9 Sea Satu Wilayah Manado Malalayang Timur
Journal Title: Rhapsodi Jurnal Studi Multidisiplin - Year 2024, Vol 1, Issue 4
The concept of health understood by most people is limited to physical elements only. Mental health is an important element because it is related to all aspects of life, which will enable everyone to explore more deeply every potential they have. This concept has received less attention, here and there there is a neglect of the element of mental health, which has an impact on the rampant cases of mental violence that occur and involve all ages with their status and roles in the family, congregation, and society. This research was conducted on two counselees who experienced mental abuse. Studied with a case study method in the scope of the pastoral field to assist adolescents who experience mental violence, then formulated through a qualitative approach, so that it can be reflected theologically in congregational life. From the results of the research, a comparison between the two cases was found. For this reason, there must be more attention from the church to embrace adolescents who experience mental violence with pastoral assistance through visits and conversations.
Authors and Affiliations
Helen Gratia Masambe,Gloria Gratia Tamunu,
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