Key factors of influencing of the external and internal environment for the activities of rural green tourism enterprises


The subject of the study is to determine the key factors of the impact of external and internal environment on the activities of rural green tourism enterprises. identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the activities of rural green tourism enterprises. Research methods. In this work the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the method of analysis and synthesis, the comparative method, the method of data generalization are used. Results of work. The article outlines the main directions of tourism development in the countryside of Ukraine. The factors of the external and internal environment of rural green tourism are determined according to the direction of influence. Conclusions. The results of the study conducted to the following conclusions: identification of rural tourism problems; identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the activities of rural green tourism enterprises, reducing the risks and increasing the opportunities of rural areas in the field of tourism.

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  • EP ID EP447814
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2537275
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How To Cite

L. Yu. CHOBAL, K. Yu. SIMEKH (2018). Key factors of influencing of the external and internal environment for the activities of rural green tourism enterprises. Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. Збірник наукових праць, 11(11), 54-58.