Кібер-цахал проти кібер-джихаду / Cyber-Israel Defense Forces against Cyber-Jihad
Journal Title: Історичні студії суспільного прогресу - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue
Authors have analyzed features of information opposition in the globalized world in the conditions of essentially new transformational changes in a postmodern paradigm. The significant role o f virtual society, a blogosphere o f in formation o f collective and individual identification o f a person and a group are revealed. Essentially, new lines o f functioning o f virtual society as new forms o f society in the conditions o f processes o f globalization and modernization o f society are investigated. The attempt of disclosure of a retrospective, origin, development and functioning of special forces of cyber defense of the State of Israel during opposition with a complex of information threats from the countries enemies and the organizations of the extremist and terrorist direction is made. Features o f the Arab-Israeli information opposition in a cyber-space are marked out. The structure of authorities of Israel which are engaged in conducting information war and their tasks in the conditions of transformation of views of the military-political management for a role and the place of cyber-troops in the system o f national defense is analyzed. The specifics of training o f specialists military IT spheres are analyzed. Features of application of an information and psychological and information and technical component in creation o f structure of cyber-defense o f the State of Israel are defined. Creation of new model of cyber-defense of the State of Israel has been based on use of system approach to questions o f information and psychological and information and technical opposition; coordination o f activity ofpublic institutions and political institutes in the organization of system of cyberdefense; attraction of a public segment in work of government institutions for the purpose of protection of national interests in a cyber-space. Signs of the present stage of opposition in the sphere of cyber-attacks and cyber defense are investigated. Characteristics of cyber-jihad and its advantage which are provided for his carrying out by the Internet are analyzed. The role of a religious factor in use of human resources in the organization of cyber-attacks and cyber-aggression in local a segment and the direction of hacker activity on a complex of objects o f the state and private property in the State of Israel her information and communication system is investigated.
Authors and Affiliations
Ruslan Hula, Olena Vitrynska
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