Самозбереження нації: історичне минуле і виклики сьогодення / Self-preservation of the nation: historical past and challenges


The growth of national self-determination, self-knowledge and knowledge are needed to solve urgent problems of state-building in Ukraine. They must be connected with reflection on the origins of national the self-determination, on the Ukrainian historical past. Analysis of historical events that took place in the 20-th century in the Ukrainian lands is one of the directions of our research of self-preservation of the nation. The authors consider political issues of national self-determination and state- building in unity with the issues of the world views and cultural demands. Various aspects of this theme are reflected in many works that contain internal non-uniform groups. Some writers were contemporaries of the portrayed events. Some of them have been incorporated into the events from within (Yu. Lypa). Others described the events while abroad. These are foreign researches (L. Lavton) and representatives of the diaspora (M. Berdiaew, E. Malaniuk et. al.). The authors also analyzed the work of modern researches (M. H. Van Herpen, S. Wozniak, M. Mamardashvili, M. Semchishin, O. Tkachenko et. al.). In this article documentary data of the Holodomor of 1932 – 1933 in Ukraine and the massive repression of Ukrainians in the 30-s 20 century were used. Various aspects of the historical part that have an impact on the practice of state-building and national identity are investigated in the article. It substantiates the idea of the need to preserve national diversity and the need of the development of nation and cultures. It was stressed that the totalitarian political regime prevents satisfaction of national needs and requirements. Under totalitarianism comes the alienation of the people from the national. Ethnic is replaced by exaggerated nation or mythologized “proletarian internationalism”. Factors were considered at the specific historical material which. Those factors exhausted the forces of the people, were threatening its physical existence, had a negative impact on the national consciousness of Ukrainians. The tragic fate of the representatives in the Ukrainian SSR “historically responsible for the nation” (E. Malaniuk) millions of peasants and Ukrainian intellectuals with were spokesman of national identity – was emphasized. Difficulties in state building in Ukraine who express themselves on the level of worldview were accented. Factors of the nation were marked. The tendency of democracies to understand the geopolitical uniqueness of Ukraine, the country’s importance for Europe and the world been noted. The conclusion about the need for unity of Ukrainian citizens in the spiritual sphere on the basis of awareness of themselves as Ukrainians was made.

Authors and Affiliations

Liubov Kolesnykova, Tetiana Lishchuk-Torchynska


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How To Cite

Liubov Kolesnykova, Tetiana Lishchuk-Torchynska (2016). Самозбереження нації: історичне минуле і виклики сьогодення / Self-preservation of the nation: historical past and challenges. Історичні студії суспільного прогресу, 4(), 64-71. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-182349