Kilka uwag o charakterze prawnym powództw w sprawach o ustalenie i zaprzeczenie pochodzenia dziecka oraz ustalenie bezskuteczności uznania ojcostwa
Journal Title: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 22
Polish lawyers are discussing the nature of the matters concerning the origin of the child (actions for establishing the motherhood or the fatherhood, actions for the denial of the motherhood or the fatherhood, action for establishing ineff ectiveness of the recognition of fatherhood). Some are in favor of their declarative character, others – for constitutive character. According to the author of this article, all exchanged actions are constitutive. Th ey are „declarative” only in the sense that they either confi rm or deny the biological origin of the child from the mother or the father.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Pietrzykowski
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