The article discusses Henry David Thoreau’s domestic spatial imagery in Walden, in terms of Bachelard’s poetics of space, as a set of angles, nests, crusts, and shells. The analysis identifies uncanny similarities betwee...
The article focuses on films by Balbina Bruszewska – Polish director who creates socially engaged films. In the paper the author is trying to qualify her movies in the aesthetics of critical realism, which stands in oppo...
Beginning with Superman and the Golden Age of American Comic Books, by Will Eisner’s graphic novels and Art Spiegelman’s underground stories, till the most recent examples of artists from both American and Francophone co...
This article provides the reader with an overview of selected aspects of cultural significance of grime music and related phenomena. This musical genre creates an explicit background of contemporary social relations exis...
EP ID EP78651
DOI 10.5604/16448340.1206488
Views 64
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How To Cite
Marta Piestrzeniewicz (2015). Kino i kultura popularna w Piotrkowie przed pierwszą wojną światową. Kultura Popularna, 4(46),
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Odkrywanie tabu w sferze publicznej. Metodologiczny kosmopolityzm wobec przemocy symbolicznej
Thoreau’s Surreal Imagery of Homemaking and Mumford’s Myth of the Machine
The article discusses Henry David Thoreau’s domestic spatial imagery in Walden, in terms of Bachelard’s poetics of space, as a set of angles, nests, crusts, and shells. The analysis identifies uncanny similarities betwee...
Animacja społecznie zaangażowana. Realizm krytyczny w twórczości Balbiny Bruszewskiej
The article focuses on films by Balbina Bruszewska – Polish director who creates socially engaged films. In the paper the author is trying to qualify her movies in the aesthetics of critical realism, which stands in oppo...
Dlaczego Superman nie mógł być Żydem? Tożsamość żydowska w komiksie amerykańskim i frankofońskim
Beginning with Superman and the Golden Age of American Comic Books, by Will Eisner’s graphic novels and Art Spiegelman’s underground stories, till the most recent examples of artists from both American and Francophone co...
Grime jako muzyka i etnografia kryzysu
This article provides the reader with an overview of selected aspects of cultural significance of grime music and related phenomena. This musical genre creates an explicit background of contemporary social relations exis...