Dlaczego Superman nie mógł być Żydem? Tożsamość żydowska w komiksie amerykańskim i frankofońskim
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 45
Beginning with Superman and the Golden Age of American Comic Books, by Will Eisner’s graphic novels and Art Spiegelman’s underground stories, till the most recent examples of artists from both American and Francophone comic schools – there is a long history of Jewish motives in the comic stories. The article presents an analysis of the relations between the identity of the authors and their comic books. Among them are i.a. Art Spiegelman, Michel Kichka and Jérémie Dres who represent both different artistic generations and cultural backgrounds; yet, they all explore the issue of Jewishness and express their thoughts by using the language of comic books. -<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Martyna Steckiewicz
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