Black pearl (1934), a Polish film directed by Michał Waszyński was inspired by Eugeniusz Bodo, Polish celebrity of interwar period. The film was a reflection of his romance with Anne Chevalier ‘Reri’, the main character...
In the classic era of American comics, the overwhelming majority of superhero stories focused on the straightforward struggle between good and evil, with superheroes embodying the positive values such as justice, order,...
Czarna perła. Kino popularne między kolonializmem a nowoczesnością
Black pearl (1934), a Polish film directed by Michał Waszyński was inspired by Eugeniusz Bodo, Polish celebrity of interwar period. The film was a reflection of his romance with Anne Chevalier ‘Reri’, the main character...
Technology of Control and Control of Technology in Brian K. Vaughan’s Ex Machina
In the classic era of American comics, the overwhelming majority of superhero stories focused on the straightforward struggle between good and evil, with superheroes embodying the positive values such as justice, order,...
Rzeczy i style życia w PRL czyli co można znaleźć w archiwum Andrzeja Sicińskiego?
Wizerunek rodziny i wzorce wychowawcze w programie Surowi rodzice
Also These Voices. Technology and Gender in the Practice of Fanvidding