Kino trzeciego wieku – filmy o jesieni życia w procesie przygotowania do starości
Journal Title: Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue
The main aim of this article is recognition and description of the role of films concerning the issue of old age in the process of adaptation to it. The article contains a presentation of selected films, showing different ways of presenting golden agers on the screen. The author tries to substantiate a thesis that films about old age help seniors adapt to old age. She suggests that an active participation in culture is an important part of the process towards the old age education. Therefore an active participation in film culture improves the quality of life of the elderly. It also contributes to personal development, raises self-esteem and enables to preserve intellectual sterngths. The author discusses present tendencies in promoting film culture and gives examples for local cinemas and art-houses as places of education, socialization and integration into the seniors community
Authors and Affiliations
Ewelina Konieczna
Kino trzeciego wieku – filmy o jesieni życia w procesie przygotowania do starości
The main aim of this article is recognition and description of the role of films concerning the issue of old age in the process of adaptation to it. The article contains a presentation of selected films, showing differen...
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