Poradnicze praktyki w wirtualnej przestrzeni
Journal Title: Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue
In this publication the author presents the results of research carried out in the Internet space in order to obtain a typology of the reasons why modern women seek help on internet forums. The reader will find a description of the non-professional counselling and its mediated forms of media perspective. Users activity of internet forums has also been characterised as oscillating on a continuum "advisor - client". The author focuses on the presentation of the reasons why the users take the role of advisors and clients. Users emotional states have been analysed accompanying participation in online counselling process. The surveys results serving for this publication were based on an interview using online communication tools and content analysis. The conclusion of the study shows that the non-professional counselling conducted out with the use of online communication tools may serve as a support for professional individual counselling.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Dorociak
Distractions’: cultural influences, inclusion, and learning in later life; stories of women’s lives
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