Knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS: A study among antenatal mothers attending a tertiary hospital of West Bengal.
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 10
Background: HIV/AIDS is still a public health problems in India. Children contributes around 7% of the total infections which are mostly because of mother to child transmission. Awareness of the pregnant women is necessary to reduce this preventable transmission. Objective: The study was undertaken to find out the level of awareness about HIV & AIDS among mothers attending antenatal clinic in NRS Medical College and to determine factors related to awareness level of the mothers. Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted among antenatal mothers attending NRS Medical college and hospital from 1st January ,2018 to 31st March,2018 for the first time after taking informed verbal consent. Those who were severely ill, having complicated pregnancy and not willing to give consent were excluded from the study. Data was collected by predesigned pretested questionnaire which included their personal information and awareness regarding symptoms of HIV & AIDS, mode of transmission and preventive measures . Assessment of knowledge was done by a scoring method. Result: Majority ( 93.8%) of the mothers heard about HIV & AIDS but out of them 57.86% mothers scored less than 50%. Religion and literacy status were found to be significantly associated with knowledge score. Conclusion: Increase in awareness and improvement of knowledge regarding this incurable disease is the need of the hour.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Sonali Sain, Dr. Indira Dey, Dr. Prianka Mukhopadhyay
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