Knowledge, attitude and practice of the population <br /> of Zahedan province about blood donation<br />

Journal Title: Khoon - Year 2010, Vol 7, Issue 1


Knowledge, attitude and practice of the population of Zahedan province about blood donation Rakhshani F.1, Sanei Moghaddam E .2,3, Soltani Sabi M.4, Rakhshani T.5 1Faculty of Health, Health Promotion Research Center, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran 2Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, Research Center, Tehran, Iran 3Zahedan Regional Educational Blood Transfusion Center, Zahedan, Iran 4Faculty of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran 5Red Crescent of Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran Abstract Background and Objectives Blood donation rate in developed countries is 18 times higher than developing countries. It is estimated that if only five percent of Iran population embark on blood donation, it will be adequate for community needs to be met. The study of the knowledge and attitude on a population basis helps managers make better plans to promote blood donation behavior. Materials and Methods In a cross-sectional study in 2007, 319 cases aged between 18 to 60 years were selected randomly from five different geographical places in Zahedan. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection; to extract relevant information from respondents to complete the questionnaires, interviews were conducted. Then, the obtained data were finally analyzed by correlation, t-test, and ANOVA using SPSS 11.5. Results The mean age of participants was 29 years. Out of the total number of participants, 61.6% were male and 57.4% married. Out of the same number, 40.1% had donated blood at least once in the past; out of the latter 50% had donated more than thrice and 10.7% regularly. The mean score of knowledge was 3.4% ± 1.3 out of 8 and the mean score of attitude 19.8 ± 2.4 out of 24. The lowest knowledge rate pertained to "proper age for donation". Men had donated more significantly than others. The main source of information for blood donors was radio and television. Conclusions The results showed that for blood donation to be promoted, spiritual motivation should be enhanced. Key words: Blood donation, Knowledge, Attitude Sci J Iran Blood Transfus Org 2010; 7(1): 9-16 Received: 21 Jul 2008 Accepted: 12 Dec 2009 Correspondence: Rakhshani F., PhD of Health Education. Professor of Faculty of Health, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. P.O.Box: 589, Zahedan, Iran. Tel: (+9821) 66707537; Fax : (+9821) 66705035 E-mail:

Authors and Affiliations

F Rakhshani, Sanei Moghaddam , M Soltani Sabi , T Rakhshani


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How To Cite

F Rakhshani, Sanei Moghaddam, M Soltani Sabi, T Rakhshani (2010). Knowledge, attitude and practice of the population <br /> of Zahedan province about blood donation<br /> . Khoon, 7(1), 9-16.