Knowledge of downhill skiing safety among the Physical Education Academy students participating in programme winter camp. Part one
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 53
[b]Introduction. [/b]Appropriate training centered upon ensuring safety plays an important role in schooling future downhill skiing instructors and teachers specialized in coaching children. Evaluation of learning outcomes of students participating in the obligatory winter camp also includes their theoretical knowledge. Proper evaluation of factors guaranteeing safety and limitation of risky behavior underlies the proper education of future teachers.[b]Material and methods.[/b] In evaluation conducted in January 2008, 88 second year students of AWF in Warsaw, including 26 women and 62 men at the age in range of 20–22 years, were examined. The test, which formed two questionnaires, was focused on such issues raised during the course as safety and risky behavior on ski slope or chosen elements of skiers’ lifestyle.[b]Results.[/b] The knowledge of all examinees, especially beginners, was in majority wide enough to minimize the risk of accidents on ski slope and to be successful as instructors or teachers. Some of the attendants showed a significant deficiency of knowledge in such matters as: the role of ski instructors and special sky courses (13%), some aspects of FIS Ski Decalogue (16%), the necessity of using the helmet (properly 38% women, 69% men), 18% of examinee would allow to use addicted medicine (stimulants) during skiing, 40% of them would take care about proper regeneration. Conclusion. 1. Examined men showed more tendencies to risky behaviour, such as riding without helmet or dash on a ski slope in comparison to examined women. 2. Examined skiers with average ski experience (1–5 seasons) disclosed the largest gaps in knowledge about chosen issues of downhill skiing safety. 3. In the future we would examine and evaluate more extensively the knowledge of skiing security among psychology students as future teachers and instructors of children and teenagers.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Wojtyczek, Małgorzata Pasławska
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