"Комедия в русской драматургии конца XX - начала XXI века", Светлана Гончарова-Грабовская, Минск 1999
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2002, Vol 1, Issue 0
Authors and Affiliations
Walenty Piłat
Walenty Piłat
Walery Briusow w Wilnie
Известный поэт В. Брюсов побывал в Вильно дважды (в августе 1914 г. и в мае 1915 г.). Этот эпизод сыграл однако важную роль в понимании В. Брюсовым сложных проблем этого региона (стремлений поляков, белорусов, и литовцев...
Cyrylometodejskie dziedzictwo piśmiennicze na Warmii i Mazurach
It was the aim of the study to register and analyze manuscripts and prints written in the Cyrillic which have been collected in Warmia and Mazury. The article describes written monuments from the collections of libraries...
Flora w mikrotoponimii powiatu sokolskiego
In the article the author described microtoponymy of the sokólski district containing in their formative root vegetative terms being used by the locals. She also directed attention to a typically border-character of the...
„Piękniej niż w bajce”. Obóz pionierski w Arteku w polskim reportażu lat 30–50. XX wieku
The objective of the article is to analyze the image of the pioneer camp Artek in the Polish reportage of the 1930s–50s in the XX century. At the beginning of the 1930s, only one account about Artek, by Michał Suryc, app...
Przedmowy metropolity Cypriana Żochowskiego w wileńskim służebniku z 1692 roku