Identification of HBsAg in 1965 by Blumberg was the discovery awarded by the Nobel Prize. Until today it remains the fingerprint of HBV infection. Moreover its quantitative assessment is a useful marker of natural course...
Introduction. The anti-tuberculous properties of pyrazinamide (PZA) were identified over 50 years ago, and since that time it has been one of the most important drugs used for the treatment of tuberculosis, in addition R...
Choroby reumatyczne dotyczą zarówno osób dorosłych, jak i dzieci. Fakt nieprzewidywalności choroby i jednocześnie stale pogarszający się stan zdrowia osoby chorej stanowią ogromne obciążenie emocjonalne zarówno dla osoby...
Introduction. Mineral disorders are common in dialysed people, but serum magnesiumconcentration is only seldom monitored in this group of patients. The negative consequencesof magnesium deficiency are proved, and in dial...
Pregnancy creates significant hemodynamic changes in the cardiovascular system following the hormonal changes and the impact of placental circulation. Coexisting valvular heart disease increases substantially and, althou...
Quantitative HBsAg assessment as a crucial parameter in monitoring natural course and treatment outcome of chronic hepatitis B infection
Identification of HBsAg in 1965 by Blumberg was the discovery awarded by the Nobel Prize. Until today it remains the fingerprint of HBV infection. Moreover its quantitative assessment is a useful marker of natural course...
Resistance to pyrazinamide among Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from patients from the Mazovian Voivodeship in 2008-2010 years
Introduction. The anti-tuberculous properties of pyrazinamide (PZA) were identified over 50 years ago, and since that time it has been one of the most important drugs used for the treatment of tuberculosis, in addition R...
Problemy psychologiczne w chorobach reumatycznych
Choroby reumatyczne dotyczą zarówno osób dorosłych, jak i dzieci. Fakt nieprzewidywalności choroby i jednocześnie stale pogarszający się stan zdrowia osoby chorej stanowią ogromne obciążenie emocjonalne zarówno dla osoby...
Magnesium plasma concentration in haemodialysis patients treated at a single dialysis unit
Introduction. Mineral disorders are common in dialysed people, but serum magnesiumconcentration is only seldom monitored in this group of patients. The negative consequencesof magnesium deficiency are proved, and in dial...
Pregnancy in women with valvular heart disease
Pregnancy creates significant hemodynamic changes in the cardiovascular system following the hormonal changes and the impact of placental circulation. Coexisting valvular heart disease increases substantially and, althou...