Resistance to pyrazinamide among Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from patients from the Mazovian Voivodeship in 2008-2010 years
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 10
Introduction. The anti-tuberculous properties of pyrazinamide (PZA) were identified over 50 years ago, and since that time it has been one of the most important drugs used for the treatment of tuberculosis, in addition RMP, INH, EMB i SM. Although PZA plays such an important role in the treatment of tuberculosis, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has not issued a recommendation to collect data on the prevalence of PZA resistance among Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains or to perform susceptibility testing for this drug. This mainly results from the difficulty of the PZA susceptibility test. It is therefore unknown how prevalent PZA resistance is worldwide.The aim of study. The aim of our study was to estimate the resistibility for PZA among M. tuberculosis isolates from patients from the Mazovian Voivodeship in 2008-2010 years.Material and methods. We analysed M. tuberculosis strains with different resistibility to first-line antituberculous drugs. The strains were isolated from 462 patients with tuberculosis. The strains were examined for PZA resistibility by the radiometric Bactec 460-TB method. The PZA-resistant strains were examined for the following MIC PZA for drug concentration: 100, 300, 600, 900 µg/ml.Results. PZA resistance among M. tuberculosis strains was found in 5,9% untreated patients and in 14% previously treated patients. In both groups resistance to PZA was correlated with drug resistance for INH+RMP+SM+EMB in 14% untreated patients and in 25% previously treated ones. The PZA-monoresistant strains were observed in 50% untreated patients groups.Among resistant strains for 23,5% strains MIC for PZA was > 100 μg/ml, for 17,6% MIC for PZA ≥ 300 μg/ml 14,7% ≥ 600 μg/ml and 44,1% ≥ 900 μg /ml.Conclusisons. Among M. tuberculosis strains PZA resistance was found in 5,9% untreated patients and in 14% previously treated patients.Among the PZA-resistant strains very high MIC value for PZA (≥ 900 µg/ml) was revealed for 44% M. tuberculosis strains.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Napiórkowska, Zofia Zwolska, Ewa Augustynowicz-Kopeć
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