The aim of this paper is to historically analysethe formative impact of image production incommunication practices, and thus, in the visualculture at large. Technical devices changeinvestigated phenomena. Imaging technol...
The article focuses on the journey into the “ragged promised land” (80) in On the Road. It can be seen as an escape of the main protagonist Sal Paradise from his roots and from the conformity of American society. Kerouac...
The article discusses the popularity of instapoets and related phenomena. The author studies the problems regarding the critical reception of the work of poets active on social media, reconstructing the arguments of vari...
The following article aims to show places where pop culture merges with Jewish tradition on the example of comic books. The author tries not only to reconstruct the evolution of the genre and its changing reception but a...
Obrazy zakorzenione w technice. Analiza historyczna sposobów obrazowania
The aim of this paper is to historically analysethe formative impact of image production incommunication practices, and thus, in the visualculture at large. Technical devices changeinvestigated phenomena. Imaging technol...
Bohemians, Vagabonds, and Wanderers of the “Ragged Promised Land” in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road
The article focuses on the journey into the “ragged promised land” (80) in On the Road. It can be seen as an escape of the main protagonist Sal Paradise from his roots and from the conformity of American society. Kerouac...
Mięso w tradycyjnej sztuce azjatyckiej. Indie i Japonia
Gwiazdy poezji? Popularność instapoetek i pokrewne zjawiska – próba rekonesansu
The article discusses the popularity of instapoets and related phenomena. The author studies the problems regarding the critical reception of the work of poets active on social media, reconstructing the arguments of vari...
Żydowska Warszawa w obrazkach. Komiksowa antologia Złote pszczoły jako przykład kultury historycznej
The following article aims to show places where pop culture merges with Jewish tradition on the example of comic books. The author tries not only to reconstruct the evolution of the genre and its changing reception but a...