Концепція розвитку цифрової економіки в Євросоюзі та перспективи України

Journal Title: European Journal of Management Issues - Year 2015, Vol 23, Issue 4


Global informatization, manifestations of which are characteristic for the past decades, became the basis of the formation of the new model of the economy – digital economy, which became the development strategy of the most developed countries of the world. In Ukraine there is not any consistent tactic of building up a national digital economic business space as yet. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to substantiate theoretically the essence of digital economy and its conceptual reflection in the economic policy of the EU, as well to analyze the status and specific features of the Ukrainian economic system in terms of integration into international digital environment. The research methods are system analysis. Based on a number of scientific sources, it was revealed that the conceptual basis for the development of the digital economy in Europe consists of 5 metrics of the program of digital entrepreneurship: a) digital knowledge and ICT market, b) digital business environment, c) access to finance for businesses, d) digital skills of the labor force and electronic leadership, e) creating supporting entrepreneurial culture. In the course of the study we defined the centres of growth of digital technologies and communication in Ukraine, which can become the basis for further positive changes, at the same time we identified the main obstacles, as well as the lagging industries, because of whose performance the world ratings of Ukraine go down. A conclusion was made about the need to build an efficient national strategy for the development of the digital economy taking into account both positive and negative aspects of the experience of the EU countries. The scientific novelty of the work is in identifying features of the development of information and telecommunication technologies in Ukraine, which are in the uneven "informatization", depending on the industries and sectors of the economy, in the lack of digital strategy of the state, in the inconsistency in regulatory policy and distrust of the population in modern financial instruments. The findings made as the results of the research can be used for differentiation of users of digital information and the development of strategy of their engagement in certain segments. In the future, it is advisable to examine the European experience about the inclusion of objectives concerning the development of the digital economy in the global plan of reformation of the state.

Authors and Affiliations

V. V. Apal'kova


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  • EP ID EP192881
  • DOI 10.15421/191502
  • Views 219
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How To Cite

V. V. Apal'kova (2015). Концепція розвитку цифрової економіки в Євросоюзі та перспективи України. European Journal of Management Issues, 23(4), 9-16. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-192881