Koncepcje budowy linii dużej prędkości CMK Północ z Warszawy do Gdańska
Journal Title: Technika Transportu Szynowego - Year 2017, Vol 284, Issue 11
The first concepts of the construction of a railway line with high technical parameters from Warsaw to Gdańsk emerged in the 1970s. Planners intended this line to be a part of a new transport corridor from southern Poland to the Gdansk seaports. These projects were close to being implemented in the 1980s. Due to economic problems, the construction of the northern section of the corridor from Warsaw to Gdańsk was abandoned after the works started in Grodzisk Maz surroundings. The problem of construction of this line has been coming back in several occasions but was abandoned in favor of modernization of the existing connection from Warsaw to Gdańsk through Ciechanów and Iława. The idea of building a new line have emerged one more time in relation to a new airport construction project which is planned on the West of Warsaw. The article presents a historical outline of the concept development and conditions for new line implementation in the future.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Raczyński
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