Koncepcje metodologii ogólnej a ekonomia / The Concept of General Methodology and Economics
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
Despite the fact that methodology and its subdiscipline – methodology of economic sciences – look for answers to the questions which are fundamental for scientific cognition of economic systems, over the years they enjoyed dim popularity among economists. Only recently this situation has started to change, leading to an increasing interest in the methodological issues in economics. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present the main theories of general methodology and their implementation in economics. Presented article undertakes an attempt to characterise traditional methodological approaches ranging from inductivism, through the views of the Vienna Circle and justificationism, until Popper’s falsificationism and its modifications within the theories of Kuhn and Lakatos. The paper also reviews the positions of contemporary methodology, taking into account the concept of Feyerabend’s methodological anarchism, McCloskey’s rhetorical approach, neo-pragmatism and Lawson’s critical realism.
Authors and Affiliations
Przemysław Włodarczyk
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