Konflikt społeczny i jego funkcje. Między destrukcją a kreacją
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia - Year 2011, Vol 36, Issue 2
People have been arguing about the vision of creation and dissolution of social order for ages. On the one hand, we have a policy based on love and brotherhood (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin). On the other hand, there is the concept of social order as a result of social conflicts. Thus we have a paradigmatic approach to conflict from Ibn Khaldun by Ludwik Gumplowicz to Charles Marx and more contemporary ones: the dialectical approach to Ralf Dahrendorf’s notion of social conflict and a stable model of conflict by Lewis A. Coser. The contemporary renaissance of interest in social conflict is due to the deepening of cultural diversity of the world, which brings the prospect of a symbolic or real conflict.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Śliz, Marek S. Szczepański
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