Konstytucja kwietniowa i konstytucje republikańskich państw autorytarnych w międzywojennej Europie. Próba porównania — wybrane zagadnienia (część II)
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2017, Vol 138, Issue 1
The article deals with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 23 April 1935 as compared with constitutions of the authoritarian states of interwar Europe, which were republics. The scope of the analysis extends to the constitutions of: Albania — of 7 March 1925, Lithuania — of 15 May 1928 and 12 May 1938, Austria — of 30 April 1934, Portugal — of 19 March 1933, and Estonia — of 28 July 1937. The comparison covers constitutional provisions concerning the head of state, government and parliament and the relationship between the executive and the legislative powers. The comparison of the provisions of Poland’s constitution and respective provisions of the abovementioned constitution allows us to identify its place in this context and show specific traits of Polish constitution, especially those absent in other authoritarian constitutions of interwar Europe.
Authors and Affiliations
Władysław T. Kulesza
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