Konteksty biografii pogranicza: Polacy na Kaukazie w XIX i XX wieku
Journal Title: Biografistyka Pedagogiczna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
This article indicates that Poles originating from the Polish borderland clearly marked their cultural and civilizational presence in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. They were characterized by courage, entrepreneurship and adaptability, i.e. features that were perceived as typical of borderland residents. They enjoyed respect and understanding from the peoples of the Caucasus. Their attitudes and behaviours were full of contradictions. On the one hand, they emphasized their so-called cultural superiority; on the other hand, they criticized the foreign cultural, and especially political, reality and pointed out that their rights were limited, as a result of which they felt like strangers living among strangers. In their biographies, they revealed different contexts of national origin. They pointed to their attachment to the place from which they descended, Polish culture and the Russian reality in which they lived, acquired education and worked professionally.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Chodubski
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