Kontrasygnata decyzji prezydenta w Republice Czeskiej
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2015, Vol 131, Issue 6
The article presents an institution of countersignature in the Czech Republic. In view of the clear link to the structures existing in the past, its evolution is also shown, starting with the Constitution of 1920. Initially, countersignature by the chief of government or minister authorized by him/her was required in relation to all the activities of the President. Today, there exist prerogatives and countersignature is obligatory only for the exercise of the powers of head of state which have the nature of decision, i.e. those by which the legal status is changed or confi rmed. Only written decisions can be countersigned. Countersignature is to be made by chairman of the government or member of the govern ment authorized by him/her, who does not have to be a minister competent for a given matter. Such authorizations in practice are rare and always individual and specifi c in nature. Countersignature may be made either before or after the decision is given by the President. This depends on how both parties signing a document agree. However, the date of its adoption by the President is always considered the date of the decision. Before making countersignature, chairman of the government may apply to the government with the question whether or not to countersign the President’s decision. This approach has been established in practice, but there are no rules determining when the Prime Minister must use it. When the functions of the President in constitutionally defi ned situations and extent are exercised by the chairman of the government, countersignature is not made. Countersigning of the President’s decision does not absolve the head of state from responsibility for treason. Decisions of the President, for which countersignature by chairman of the government or an authorized member of the government are required are null and void without it.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Skotnicki
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