Корупційні ризики у сфері надання адміністративних послуг / Corruption Risks in the Provision of Administrative Services
Journal Title: Журнал східноєвропейського права - Year 2018, Vol 51, Issue
The article deals with the main corruption risks in the field of providing administrative services and control and oversight of the state. On the basis of the research carried out, the authors prepared recommendations for minimizing corruption risks in the provision of administrative services. Administrative services are one of the “vulnerable” spheres in the relationship “citizen-state”, “legal entity-state”. Citizens require from the subject of the provision of administrative services the exercise of the appropriate quality of authority to acquire, change or terminate their rights and / or responsibilities. Thus, it is important not only to receive certificates, certificates, but also the minimum time to receive them, the simplicity of filing the relevant documents, the minimum number of visits and the “wasting” of time in queues, maximum approximation to the place of residence of recipients of services, as well as respect and courtesy a civil servant who receives a reception. In general, Ukraine is currently overcoming the path of reforming the system of providing administrative services. Thus, a number of local government bodies in oblast centers have initiated the creation of various “single windows”, such as registration chambers, permit offices, where citizens can, with minimum time and minimum number of contacts from civil servants, obtain the necessary administrative services for which the executive committees of city councils (structural divisions). Such initiatives have shown that the quality of administrative services provided through “single windows” is high enough and the speed of reception of services has increased. Taking into account the results of scientific and sociological research, the main corruption risks in the area of providing administrative services can be called: 1) the general complexity of the procedure for the provision of administrative services; 2) unreasonably long terms of providing separate administrative services; 3) lack of information on the procedure for the provision of administrative services; 4) limited access to the administrative bodies providing services (limited time of admission, queues, etc.). In the control and surveillance sphere, the main corruption risks are recognized: 1) unreasonably wide interference authority of many administrative bodies in relation to termination / prohibition of activities (in particular, economic entities); 2) the existence in some administrative bodies of ungrounded authority to carry out on-site inspections (“at the facility”); 3) the direction of the activities of the supervisory authorities to punish, but not to eliminate violations or their prevention The main purpose of the study was to identify corruption risks that are systemic in nature and constitute the greatest danger for the realization of the rights of individuals in interactions with administrative bodies (executive bodies and local self-government bodies) in the areas of administrative services, monitoring and supervision.
Authors and Affiliations
Olha Tronko, Nina Dyba, Svitlana Prokopchenko
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