Article refers to the issue of implementation of EU projects characterized by high level of innovation. This document also refers to the concept of Shapley value described on the basis of game theory. The author of this...
W procesie planowania i wdrażania zmian wewnątrz organizacji fundamentalne znaczenie mają ludzie. Na każdym etapie procesu zmian istotną kwestią są postawy, zachowania i reakcje pracowników na dokonujące się zmiany. Cele...
This text is a critical review of basic concepts related to the theory of argumentation, and shows, by using some examples, the place of diagrams of arguments in the modern theory of argumentation. At the same time they...
Rapid development of internet as a tool of communication has huge influence on consumers market behaviour. More than 60% of purchase decisions are made at the moment in ROPON or ROPOF model (Research Online Purchase Onli...
Anna KUCZYŃSKA-CESARZ (2012). Koszty pracy na przykładzie wybranej organizacji pożytku publicznego. Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania, 7(1),
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The use of the Shapley value in planning innovative projects
Article refers to the issue of implementation of EU projects characterized by high level of innovation. This document also refers to the concept of Shapley value described on the basis of game theory. The author of this...
W procesie planowania i wdrażania zmian wewnątrz organizacji fundamentalne znaczenie mają ludzie. Na każdym etapie procesu zmian istotną kwestią są postawy, zachowania i reakcje pracowników na dokonujące się zmiany. Cele...
Features theory of argumentation
This text is a critical review of basic concepts related to the theory of argumentation, and shows, by using some examples, the place of diagrams of arguments in the modern theory of argumentation. At the same time they...
Search engine marketing or social media marketing – goals and tasks – comparision attempt
Rapid development of internet as a tool of communication has huge influence on consumers market behaviour. More than 60% of purchase decisions are made at the moment in ROPON or ROPOF model (Research Online Purchase Onli...
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