Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 11
У статті проводиться дослідження феномену креативності. Розглядаються різні підходи до визначення сутності і змісту як креативності так і креативного менеджменту. Розкривається об'єктивна необхідність впровадження креативного менеджменту в практику діяльності українських підприємств. Обгрунтовується доцільність створення систем креативного менеджменту. Визначається мета і основні завдання, що стоять перед системою креативного менеджменту підприємств. The article presents results of a study of the phenomenon of creativity and creative management. Analyzed in terms of academics and practitioners on the phenomenon of creativity. Determined that: most scholars and practitioners recognize that creativity is the key factor in achieving success in various fields of activity, but the concept of creativity itself remains somewhat vague, inaccurate and quite difficult to give him a clear verbal formulation; the task is even more complicated by the fact that the definition of the term depends on the context of its use. For example, the concept of art and literature, production and business has a different meaning. However, quite often creativity associated both with enthusiasm as a kind gift, and using specific technologies and methods; currently there is no single answer to the question whether there is a general creativity as a phenomenon, or it is a scientific construct, or a separate process of creativity, or creativity - is the amount of other psychological processes. Reveals the objective necessity of introduction of creative management in the practice of the Ukrainian enterprises. The feasibility of creating a creative management systems. Defined purpose and main tasks of the system of management of creative enterprises. It is proved that the objective necessity of the implementation of creative management in the practice of Ukrainian enterprises due to several factors: the constant occurrence in different areas of activity of the enterprises of complex problems; in the case of uncertainty, turbulence, internal and external environment in the business management process increasingly there is a need of operative search of nonstandard solutions; in the present conditions of business leaders are usually those companies whose management unit is able to think and act creatively, generate and effectively implement new and unusual and original ideas; it is well known that innovative benefits quickly replicated competitors, and the company to keep its competitive edge, it is necessary to systematically improve and play new original products and effective management decisions; the constant changes in all spheres of society, emergencies and crises, require a search for innovative solutions, support of effective directions of the development of enterprises and various organizational changes. But the main fact, providing an objective necessity of formation of creative management in enterprises in today's economy is the need to build a society in the creative class as an important productive force of social production.
Authors and Affiliations
B. Gechbaia, L. Shymanovska-Dianich, Т. Іshhejkin
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