This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciousl...
The article attempts to answer the question concerning the role anthropological reflection plays and should play in designing the work environment, or, more broadly – the workplace landscape. Drawing on Tim Ingold’s dist...
Pisarz, celebryta, influencer? Szczepana Twardocha droga do sławy
This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciousl...
Polskie internetowe serwisy filmowe dla dorosłych. Kilka uwag o sposobach odbioru tekstów pornograficznych w nowych mediach
Kontrowersje wokół big‑beatu w publicystyce lat 60.
Projektowanie krajobrazu pracy. Między praktyczną a krytyczną antropologią projektowania
The article attempts to answer the question concerning the role anthropological reflection plays and should play in designing the work environment, or, more broadly – the workplace landscape. Drawing on Tim Ingold’s dist...
Food documentary jako oręż żywieniowych aktywistów. O metodach prezentacji światopoglądu w filmach Super Size Me oraz Food, Inc