The article deals with issues related to the history of the circus in Ordynacka Street in Warsaw, a place that constituted an important spot on the map of Warsaw’s entertainment in the Interwar Period. The question of th...
Nowadays a significant amount of work is office work. How it is performed is determined by both applied techniques of human resources management and organization of workspace; both these factors relate to each other. The...
Popular music is an indispensable part of peoples’ lives, shaping not only their aesthetic sensitivity and providing entertainment, but it also has the potential to construct their identities. Often having a strictly loc...
Pacjenci Sieci // Informacyjne kompetencje zdrowotne
Ciało narodu. Przypadek cyrkowego siłacza Zyszego Breitbarta
The article deals with issues related to the history of the circus in Ordynacka Street in Warsaw, a place that constituted an important spot on the map of Warsaw’s entertainment in the Interwar Period. The question of th...
Dziewietnastowieczny park miejski w Kaliszu. Historia, władza i komercja w przestrzeni kultury popularnej
Komfort akustyczny w open space w narracji projektantów
Nowadays a significant amount of work is office work. How it is performed is determined by both applied techniques of human resources management and organization of workspace; both these factors relate to each other. The...
Nuta po nucie. Lokalność muzyki popularnej a miejska tożsamość
Popular music is an indispensable part of peoples’ lives, shaping not only their aesthetic sensitivity and providing entertainment, but it also has the potential to construct their identities. Often having a strictly loc...