Królewskie palmy, drzewa świętojańskie, migdałowce w dolinie konsulów… Kilka refleksji na temat roślinności w twórczości Alberta Camusa
Journal Title: Amor Fati - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1
In this article the author argues that in the works of Camus people are particularly associated with vegetation. Joanna Roś analyzes the selected passages from the three literary works by Albert Camus, successively proving that: in The first man the fun with a palm tree is a symbol of passion for life, which is inextricably linked with nature as a model of survival; in Happy death vegetation teaches the hero that what would dishonor him as a man is the desire of death, denial of life; and Camus, presenting in The Minotaur or The Stop in Oran this city as a place where vegetation is masked, shows how this space devoid of vegetation urges a man to seek a counterbal-ance in a wild nature.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Roś
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