This article aims to describe the function played by Polish language In the life of Poles residing in independent Ukraine. The hypothesis on the lack of necessity to use a native language in everyday life in order to pre...
The problems that have been studied to a small extent by the Belarusian linguists, among other problems abbreviations functionality. Depending on the use of acronyms can be either autonomous or structurally related. Is t...
Rola języka polskiego w trwaniu i odradzaniu się kultury Polaków w niepodległej Ukrainie
This article aims to describe the function played by Polish language In the life of Poles residing in independent Ukraine. The hypothesis on the lack of necessity to use a native language in everyday life in order to pre...
Юбилейная Международная научная конференция "XXX Болдинские чтения"
Функцыяніраванне абрэвіятуру сучаснай беларускай мове (на прыкладзе спецыяльных тэкстаў са сферы бізнесу)
The problems that have been studied to a small extent by the Belarusian linguists, among other problems abbreviations functionality. Depending on the use of acronyms can be either autonomous or structurally related. Is t...
Atmosfera religijności w poezji Franciszka Bahuszewicza
Twórczość Stanisława Przybyszewskiego i rosyjska powieść popularna początku XX wieku