Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 13
Стаття містить ретроспективу трансформацій історичної свідомості під кутом зору поєднання аналітики соціального і культурного. У статті аналізуються проблеми новітнього етапу розвитку історичної свідомості. Окреслена перспектива синтезу нової культурної та нової інтелектуальної історії, що полягає у дослідженні проблеми історичної пам’яті, історичної уяви та розробці концепції базового рівня історичної свідомості. Акцентується увага на проблемах співвідношення соціального і культурного розвитку, взаємовпливі загальнолюдського, особливого і унікального у розвитку культури. Основну увагу зосереджено на концепціях Гайдегера, Гегеля, Дільтея, Дройзена, Колінгвуда, Конта. The article includes a retrospective of the transformation of historical consciousness from the perspective of combining social and cultural analysts. The author analyzed the problems of the contemporary stage of development of historical consciousness. An important achievement of the medieval version of historicism is a departure from the mythologized cyclic scheme of historical evolution, a history of vector direction, the replacement of mythological history. The main characteristic of the historical consciousness of the Renaissance was the discovery of the historicity of time – not as a set of discrete points of abstract time and motion but as an attribute of matter. Time was a reflection of the dynamics of the historical development. The philosophical changes of the Renaissance contributed to the formation of a new type of thinking, where the focus stood not in the ratio of “man – God” and the relation “man – nature”. The story itself at that time had not yet acquired the status of a science. The process, traditionally interpreted as “the transformation of history into science” took place in the XVI–XVII centuries. The naturalistic historicism of the XVII century formed the basis for theoretical searches for a new picture of human history in the age of Enlightenment. The most significant achievement of the theory of Education is the development of the idea of progress as a progressive ascent from the lower forms of socio-historical existence to the higher, the mainstreaming of the subject of the historical process, giving the history the status of a science. A characteristic feature of the German classical philosophy is the recognition of substantial history. Continuing the educational tradition, Kant and Hegel, the fundamental basis of the historical process, postulated the mind, the rational ordering of history. Hegel’s universal principles of movement and development, realizing itself through internal contradictions, were used by Karl Marx to material systems. To free history from the theological and metaphysical influences, to create a positive science about society a goal group of researchers led by Auguste Comte, the founder of sociology and the author of one of the widely known versions of the philosophy of history was set. The representatives of the so-called Prussian school, playing the idea of building a new cultural synthesis, focused their attention on the actual political and constitutional history. The most prominent representative of the new direction was the German historian J.G. Droysen. Droysen considers the historical method as the development of arts of understanding and interpretation of the voluntary actions of the historical figures and the historical processes. The attention of Droysen was mainly aimed at the sector of the national history. It is quite obvious for his penchant for factual and experiential details. The dialectic of the world history, Droysen, creates a continuous growth of common historical meaning in the historical process of the relay exposed for each other peoples. The dialectic refers to the intuitive way “of being, that arises”. V. Dilthey carried out the analysis of this particular act of understanding that allows the historian to interpret all forms of cultural creativity as a manifestation form of the basis of ideology. The historical-philosophical theory of Dilthey found its further development in the development of the methodology of historical knowledge of the representatives of the Baden school of neo-kantianism W. Windelband and H. Rickert. The critical philosophy of history of Dilthey and the representatives of the Baden school of neo-kantianism laid the foundation for further theoretical developments of the methodology of knowledge in the field of historical science (G. Collingwood). In the fundamental ontology Heidegger, in a circle of categorical definitions of history, made the historical concept of human nature. In postmodernism self-sufficient process came in the place of a single historical process. New cultural history focuses on the discursive aspect of social experience in the broadest sense. The reorientation of social and cultural history, “social history of culture to cultural history of social”. The author outlined the prospect of a new cultural synthesis and a new intellectual history, which study the problem of historical memory, historical imagination and the development of the concept of a basic level of historical consciousness. Also we traced the development of a cultural component of historical consciousness in the context of its historical transformations, identifying the heuristic possibilities of cultural understanding of history.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Doroga
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