Kyiv-Mohyla Treatises De Generatione et Corruptione in the Context of Theological Disputes of the 17th–18th Centuries

Journal Title: Київська Академія - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue


The article examines treatises De Generatione et Corrutione which were taught at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in the 17th-18th centuries as a component of the philosophical course. The treatises have a historical connection to Aristotle’s book of the same name and are focused on the topics of generation, substantial and qualitative change, and corruption. However, Mohylan professors Stephan Yavorskyi and Theophan Prokopovych also included theological topics in the treatises. Yavorskyi discusses the question of the Eucharistical transsubstantiation, trying to find out how substantial change occurs and when it takes place in the Divine Liturgy of the Eastern Rite. He argues that the trans-substantiation occurs during the words of Institution, not the Epiclesis. According to him, most authoritative Eastern theologians taught in the same way. Discussing this theological question in the philosophical course (1691–1693) most probably was a reaction to Moscow Council (1689), which condemned the doctrine of the trans-substantiation during the words of Instantiation. Yavorskyi wanted to defend the teachings common among theologians of Ukrainian Orthodox tradition (Petro Mohyla, Sylvestr Kosov, Inokentii Gizel, etc.). Another professor, Theophan Prokopovych, in his course (1707–09) addresses the question why the relics of the saints buried in the Kyiv Caves are very well preserved. He claims that it happens because of special God’s grace. Moreover, he analyses 16 arguments of the opponents who deny this. The conclusion is that these topics entered in philosophical courses because of their social importance at that time.

Authors and Affiliations

Mykola Symchych


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  • EP ID EP507777
  • DOI 10.18523/1995-025x2017130137
  • Views 64
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How To Cite

Mykola Symchych (2017). Kyiv-Mohyla Treatises De Generatione et Corruptione in the Context of Theological Disputes of the 17th–18th Centuries. Київська Академія, 0(), 70-93.