La Educación Ambiental en la Formación Universitaria ante el cambio climático en el cantón Quevedo, Ecuador. TheEnvironmentalEducation in theUniversityFormationbeforetheclimaticchange in Quevedo, Ecuador.
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 1
Thepresentresearchaimstopromoteenvironmentaleducation in universityeducation in theface of climatechange in Canton Quevedo, Ecuador, wasdeveloped in theplanningarea 5 of Ecuador, province los Ríos, Quevedo StateTechnicalUniversity (UTEQ) wasanalyzedFour fundamental aspects of education, society, ethics and environmentalawareness, environmentaleducation in the UTEQ and learning and leadershipteam and finelytheattitude of theteacher-student in ordertostrengthenprinciples of EnvironmentalEducation (EA) and workdiverseEnvironmentalissues in a comprehensiveway, as resultswereobservedthatlearning and teamleadershiptheimplementation of organizationalformsforthereviewinformation, theexecution of topicsthatallowedtostrengthentheknowledgeacquired, problemspresenteddisadvantagesthatlimitedcompliancewithTheteacherstudentattitudewasparticipatorywiththebibliographicalinformationreport, therequirement of thetechnicalteachingcriterionfortheexecution of theirwork, and finally a monitoring and evaluationprocesswascarried out duringtheacademicsemester, finally as a recommendationTheresults of theresearchshould be socializedwiththesectionalauthoritiestodeveloptheinitiative in theparishes of thecanton as a pilotproject.
Authors and Affiliations
María Lorena Cadme Arévalo, Raisha Lorena García Cadme, Roberto Carlos Herrera Anangonó, Luis Alejandro Saltos Velásqueza, BadieAnneryz Cerezo Segoviaa, Mónica María Sandoval Cuji, Francisca Etelvina Contreras, Teddy Elizabeth De la Cruz Valdiviezo, Luis Fernando Simba Ochoa, Betty Gonzàlez Osorio
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