La falsedad material y la falsedad ideológica documental en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal

Journal Title: Revista Jurídica Crítica y Derecho - Year 2021, Vol 2, Issue 2


Introduce in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code (COIP), in the ninth section, crimes against the public faith, a criminal type that aims to conceptualize material falsehood, as well as ideological falsehood, as already addressed throughout history, from the Code of Hammurabi around 1753 BC, in Egypt, the Hebrews, Code of Manu, The Greeks, The falsity in Rome, in the twelve tables, etc. All these texts that were collected in modern criminal law and were materialized in the French codes (1791), that of Napoleon (1810), in the Italian Penal Code (1890). This article was made using a scientific method; it has a descriptive scope in terms of the investigative development that will help us to achieve a nutritious criminal legal normative benefit on the subject of falsehood. The results show a restriction in the COIP, in terms of precision on the crimes of falsehood since they are dealt with in a generalized way. It should be noted that this proposal will serve as a regulatory advance mechanism in the COIP, which will serve to clarify the criminal offenses addressed by the issue of counterfeiting. In this way, there will be a COIP, with a clear and precise text that is in harmony with the different criteria that are universally addressed in the doctrine and that could be taken into account by the National Assembly within the reforms to come.

Authors and Affiliations

Guillermo Paúl Torres Caivinagua


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How To Cite

Guillermo Paúl Torres Caivinagua (2021). La falsedad material y la falsedad ideológica documental en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal. Revista Jurídica Crítica y Derecho, 2(2), -.