Labor conditions and peculiarities of the clinical course of deforming arthrosis in workers of mining industry
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 3
Pathology of the musculoskeletal system occupies one of the leading places in the structure of occupational morbidity in Ukraine. A total of 40 miners were surveyed, 29 of them are mining workers of breakage face (MWBF) and 11 machinists of shearer mining machines (МSMM), suffering from deforming arthrosis (DA) at the age of 44.45 ± 0.95 years. Working conditions of the miners of these specialties were beyond the normative ones, approved in Ukraine in terms of severity and tension. The most common symptoms of DA in the miners of both groups are: constant pain; pain aggravating at exertion; crunch; limitation of movement and changed contours of the knee joints. While comparing the clinical symptoms of DA between the professional groups, there were no significant difference in their frequency, except for the change in the contours of the knee symptoms, which is 2.40 times more frequent in the MWBF than in the MSMM. The majority of biochemical indexes do not exceed the physiological norm in the subjects. Significant differences are observed in the values of C-reactive protein, ASLO, glucose and calcium between patients of both occupational groups (p<0.05).
Authors and Affiliations
A. V. Basanets, M. M. Bulavko
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